Myostatin protein expression. (A) Representative Western Blot of the eight considered dromedary muscles (1, deltoid; 2, extensor carpi radialis; 3, coccygeus; 4, biceps femoris; 5, peroneus longus; 6, semitendinosus; 7, tensor fasciae latae; 8, brachiocephalicus) performed using a rabbit polyclonal antibody (1:1000 dilution) that specifically binds the carboxy-terminal domain (Origene, TA343358). (B) Western Blot densitometric analysis of the promyostatin dimer (75 kDa), the promyostatin monomer (40 kDa) and the active C-terminal dimer (25 kDa), respectively. For each lane, optical density (OD) of the considered band is presented as a ratio over the total density of all the proteins transferred on the membrane and stained with Coomassie blue.