Means of altered spontaneous brain activity compared between the CU group and HCs. The statistical threshold was set at voxel with P<0.01 for multiple comparisons using family-wise error correction (z>2.3; P<0.01; cluster, >40 voxels). *P<0.05. HCs, healthy controls; CU, corneal ulcer; ALFF, amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation; RCIL, right cerebellum inferior lobe; LCIL, left cerebellum inferior lobe; LITG, left inferior temporal gyrus; RFG, right fusiform gyrus; LSFG, left superior frontal gyrus; RAG, right angular gyrus; BSFG, bilateral superior frontal gyrus; LCAL, left cerebellum anterior lobe; RMFG, right middle frontal gyrus; LMFG, left middle frontal gyrus.