Local Docking
DynaDock |
Combined Optimized Potential Molecular dynamics (OPMD) with a soft-core potential
Faster conformational sampling
Smoothened van der Waals and Coulomb energy potentials
Full flexibility of peptide and target protein
Near-native |
Not available to public |
[92] |
Rosetta FlexPepDock |
Monte Carlo-based optimization
High-quality conformational sampling
Hotspot residue (side-chain) modeling
Receptor flexibility (side-chains to full structure)
Rosetta energy function based clustering and scoring
Sub-angstrom * |
http://flexpepdock.furmanlab.cs.huji.ac.il or http://www.rosettacommons.org/software
[93] |
PepCrawler |
Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm
Motion-planning based sampling
Ranking by automated energy funnel analysis (clustering-based)
Fully flexible peptide structures
Near-native * |
[95] |
Rosetta FlexPepDock ab initio
Ab initio modeling based on Rosetta fragment library
Simultaneous docking and de-novo folding of peptides
Peptide secondary structure option
No information for peptide conformation required
Near-native to Sub-angstrom §
[96] |
HADDOCK peptide docking |
Modeling from ensemble of three canonical secondary structures (α-helix, extended or polyproline-II helix)
User-defined residues at binding pocket
Binding free energy based scoring
Fully flexible for interacting residues of peptide and protein
Near-native * |
[79,97] |
PepSite 2.0 |
Identifies most peptide-binding site in seconds
Generates low-resolution model of peptide
Coarse-grained peptide orientation by spatial position-specific scoring matrix (S-PSSM)
Medium †
[102] |
Global Docking
ClusPro PeptiDock |
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)-based docking method
Motif-based prediction for peptide conformation
Clustering by structure scoring and CAPRI peptide docking criteria
Near-native to Sub-angstrom §
[81,104] |
Peptide structure prediction by threading sequence onto the three peptide conformations (as HADDOCK peptide docking)
Rigid-body peptide docking within binding pocket
Suitable for large-scale in silico protein–peptide docking
Clustering based on ATTRACT scores
Optional flexible docking for interacting residues
Near-native to Sub-angstrom §
[105] |
Hierarchical algorithm
Ensemble peptide conformation by MODPEP
Blind global peptide docking
Higher success rate and lower processing time for both global and local docking
Near-native to Sub-angstrom §
[109] |
GalaxyPepDock |
Use similarity search (known template structures) as scaffolds for prediction
Energy-based model optimization and scoring
Superior accuracy using PeptiDB datasets than other servers
Medium (ligand); Near-native (interface) |
[110] |
Predict residues at peptide–protein binding interface
Use SVM with optimized parameters
Capability to distinguish binding sites of peptide from DNA, RNA and carbohydrate
N/A |
[111] |
PBRpredict-Suite |
Predict interacting residues based on peptide-binding domain (PDB) from template sequences in NCBI database
Integrated six machine learning algorithms (model stacking)
Proteome-wide prediction feasibility
N/A |
[112] |
PepComposer |
Motif similarity search to defined binding interfaces from monomeric protein databases PepX (http://pepx.switchlab.org)
Monte carlo-implemented PyRosetta
User-defined options for binding site residues or chain selection
Near-native |
[113] |