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. 2019 May 23;11(5):1154. doi: 10.3390/nu11051154
1RM One-repetition maximum
BFM Body fat mass
BP Bench press
BR Bent-over row
BW Body weight
COL Hydrolyzed collagen peptide supplementation group
CP collagen peptide
CSA Cross-sectional area
DL Deadlift
DOMS Delayed onset of muscle soreness
ECM Extracellular matrix
fCSA Muscle fiber cross-sectional area
FFM Fat-free mass
KE Knee extension
LC Leg circumference
Leg-Ex Leg extension
MViC Maximal voluntary isometric contraction
PLA Placebo-controlled supplementation group
RDA Recommended dietary allowance
RET Resistance exercise training
RPE Rate of perceived exertion
SQ Squat