Figure 9.
Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry imaging performed in positive ion mode followed by principal component analysis. The first discriminant function is shown. (A) Intestinal lipid composition was changed after 6 d UP exposure compared to the other treatment groups, (B,C) with increased presence of different PCs and SMs in the 6-d UP group, including m/z 782.58 PC 34:1 [M + Na]+, m/z 810.60 PC 36:1 [M + Na]+, and m/z 725.57 SM 34:1 [M + Na]+. (D–G) These UP-induced changes in the intestinal lipidome were partially normalized by plant sterols and/or the carrier. The carrier (2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin), characterized by m/z 1331.52 [M + Na]+, m/z 1389.55, and m/z 1447.59, was detected in the intestinal epithelium of the 6-d UP + sterol + carrier and the 6-d UP + carrier groups. Abbreviations: PCs, phosphocholines; SMs, sphingomyelins; UP, U. parvum.