Table 2.
Feature | Sensor | Description | ||
CF AP ML [55,56] |
Accelerometer | Centroidal frequency; frequency at which spectral mass is concentrated. Spectral moments are needed for the estimate: |
EA DISPL [55,56] | Accelerometer, Displacement | The 95% confidence Ellipse Area is the area of the confidence ellipse enclosing 95% of the points on the sway trajectory. The accelerometer-based postural parameter can be defined by analogy with the parameter based on the displacement. | ||
F50% AP ML [55,56] |
Accelerometer | Median frequency; frequency below which 50% of total signal power (TP) is present. Starting from the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the signal: |
F95% AP ML [55,56] |
Accelerometer | Frequency below which 95% of total signal power (TP) is present. Starting from the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the signal: |
FD AP ML [55,56] |
Accelerometer | Frequency dispersion; unitless measure of the variability of the power spectral density frequency content (zero for pure sinusoid; increases with spectral bandwidth to one). Spectral moments are needed for the estimate: |
MV DISPL AP ML [55,56] |
Accelerometer, Displacement | Mean Velocity of the postural sway computed as the median of the absolute value of the time series obtained integrating the acceleration: An alternative definition can be based upon the Sway Path (SP) of the displacement: |
NJS AP ML [35,54] |
Accelerometer | Normalized Jerk Score of the acceleration: |
Range AP ML |
Accelerometer | Range of the signal | ||
Accelerometer | Root Mean Square (RMS) of the signal, s (it is a measure of dispersion): |
SA DISPL [55,56] |
Displacement | Sway Area (SA) estimated as the sum of the triangles formed by two consecutive points on the sway trajectory on the horizontal plane (sAP and sML) and the mean point (mAP and mML) on the plane: The accelerometer-based postural parameter can be defined by analogy with the parameter based on the displacement. |
SE AP ML [55,56] |
Accelerometer | Spectral Entropy Power spectrum entropy of acceleration (unitless). | ||
SP AP ML DISPL SP Planar DISPL [55,56] |
Accelerometer, Displacement | Sway Path, the total length of the sway trajectory, computed as the sum of the distances between consecutive points in the time series. When considering a single direction of the sway: The accelerometer-based postural parameter can be defined by analogy with the parameter based on the displacement |
ACRONYMS: AP: Antero-Posterior; CF: Centroidal Frequency; EA: Ellipse Area; F50%: Median Frequency; F95%: Frequency below 95% of total signal power; FD: Frequency Dispersion; ML: Medio-Lateral; MV: Mean Velocity; NJS: Normalized Jerk Score; RMS: Root Mean Square; SA: Sway Area; SE: Spectral Entropy; SP: Sway Path; V: Vertical.