Fig. 11.
Top View (Circular) Particles Detection and Picking Results using Modified Circular Hough Transform (CHT). a The Ground truth (particles manually labelled) for the cryo-EM image from the Apoferritin dataset. b ICB clustering results after the binary image cleaning and non-circular objects removal (Apoferritin dataset). c The center of each particle illustrated by the ‘+’ sign and the radius of each particle by the blue circle around each particle (ICB and Apoferritin dataset). d The bounding box for each particle object in the original cryo-EM image (ICB and Apoferritin dataset). e K-means clustering results after the binary image cleaning and non-circular objects removal (Apoferritin dataset). f The center of each particle illustrated by using the ‘+’ sign and the radius of each particle by the blue circle around each particle (k-means results on Apoferritin dataset). g The bounding box for each particle (k-means results and Apoferritin dataset). h FCM clustering results after the binary image cleaning and non-circular objects removal (Apoferritin dataset). i The center of each particle illustrated by the ‘+’ sign and the radius of each particle by the blue circle around each particle (FCM and Apoferritin dataset). j The bounding box for each particle in the original cryo-EM image (FCM results and Apoferritin dataset). k The ground truth (particles manually labeled) for the cryo-EM image from the KLH dataset. l ICB clustering results after the binary image cleaning and non-circular objects removal (KLH dataset). m The center of each particle illustrated by the ‘+’ sign and the radius of each particle by the blue circle (ICB and KLH dataset). n The bounding box for each particle in the original cryo-EM image (ICB and KLH dataset). o K-means clustering results after the binary image cleaning and non-circular objects removal (KLH dataset). p Shows the center of each particle illustrated by the ‘+’ sign and the radius of each particle by the blue circle (k-means and KLH dataset). q The bounding box for each particle in the original cryo-EM image (k-means and KLH dataset). r FCM clustering results after the binary image cleaning and non-circular objects removal (KLH dataset). s The center of each particle illustrated by the ‘+’ sign and the radius of each particle by the blue circle (FCM and KLH dataset). t The bounding box for each particle in the original cryo-EM image (FCM and KLH dataset)