Nuclear CD44 participated in naïve genes transcriptional regulation. A. Real-time PCR analysis of the naïve pluripotent genes KLF2, KLF5, ZFP42, ESRRB, DNMT3L, GBX2, DPPA4 and LIFR in C3A cells and C3A-iCSCs. B. Real-time PCR analysis of CD44 and naive pluripotent genes after CD44 was silenced. C. ChIP-qPCR performed using CD44-specific antibodies in C3A cells and C3A-iCSCs. KLF2, KLF5, ESRRB represented their promoters respectively. Samples were analyzed by real-time PCR. Error bars showed the standard deviation of three independent ChIP-qPCR assays. D. Luciferase activity assay performed in C3A-iCSCs. Luciferase reporter plasmid pGL3-KLF2 / pGL3-KLF5 / pGL3-ESRRB containing their own promoter sequences was co-transfected with Renilla control vector and Ctrl / si-CD44 RNA sequences in C3A-iCSCs. Luciferase activities were measured after 72 hrs and presented as relative to the activity of Renilla luciferase. (* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001, ns indicated no significant differences)