Table 1a.
Finding | Stage 1 | Stage 2 | Stage 3 |
Level of consciousness | Hyper-alert | Lethargic | Stupor, coma |
Muscle tone | Normal | Hypotonic | Flask |
Posture | Normal | Flexion | Decerebrated |
Tendon reflexes/clonus | Hyperactive | Hyperactive | Absent |
Myoclonus | Present | Present | Absent |
Moro reflex | Live | Weak | Absent |
Pupillae | Mydriasis | Myosis | Anisocoric |
Seizures | Absent | Frequent | Decerebration |
EEG findings | Normal | Ranging between low voltage to seizure activity | Burst suppression, isoelectric activity |
Time | Less than 24 hours | 1-14 days | A few days-weeks |
Outcome | Good | Variable | Mortality or severe sequela |
EEG: electroencephalography