Fig. 2.
PKA modulation of the sodium channel.A, Representative wild-type sodium current traces. Sodium currents were obtained by depolarizing pulses to −10 mV from a holding potential of −100 mV. Four traces are shown during depolarizations at 1, 10, 20, and40 min during a 50 min time course. PKA was induced in the oocyte as described in B during the 10–20 min time interval. B, Time course for wild-type peak current amplitude. Peak sodium current values are shown during a 50 min time course. The baseline current level was established during an initial 10 min interval (the dotted line represents a linear fit to the first 10 data points). PKA was induced during the 10 min time period indicated by the bar denoted Cocktail by perfusing with a PKA activation cocktail containing 25 μmforskolin, 10 μm cpt-cAMP, 10 μm db-cAMP, and 10 μm IBMX. Peak current values that correspond to the current traces in A (at 1, 10, 20, and 40 min) are indicated by the filled symbols. C, Adjusted and normalized time course for wild-type sodium channel peak current amplitude. The current values shown in B were adjusted by subtracting the linear relationship that was fit to the first 10 data points to compensate for the change in basal current. The adjusted values were normalized to the baseline current during the initial 10 min (dotted line). Calibration bars indicate a 20% relative change in current amplitude and a 10 min interval. D, Representative PKACOMP-A sodium current traces. Sodium currents were obtained by depolarizing pulses to −10 mV from a holding potential of −100 mV. Four traces are shown for time points obtained at1, 10, 20, and 40 min during a 50 min time course. PKA was induced in the oocyte as described in B during the 10–20 min time interval. E, Time course for PKACOMP-A peak current amplitude. Peak sodium current values are shown during a 50 min time course. The baseline current level was established during an initial 10 min interval (the dotted line represents a linear fit to the first 10 data points). PKA was induced during the 10 min time period indicated by the bardenoted Cocktail, as described in B. Peak current values that correspond to the current traces in D (at1, 10, 20, and 40 min) are indicated by the filled symbols. F, Adjusted and normalized time course for PKACOMP-A sodium channel peak current amplitude. The current values shown in E were adjusted by subtracting the linear relationship that was fit to the first 10 data points to compensate for the change in basal current. The adjusted values were normalized to the baseline current during the initial 10 min (dotted line). The calibration bars are shown inC and indicate a 20% relative change in current amplitude and a 10 min interval.