Selectivity of LMAN neurons with equal responses to BOS and tutor song. A, The BOS versus tutor song preference of each neuron (d′BOS-TUTOR) is plotted against its degree of song selectivity, as measured byd′BOS-ADULT CON (black circles) and d′TUTOR-ADULT CON(white circles). The gray horizontal bandhighlights those cells with equal responses to BOS and tutor song. Note that many of these cells exceed 0.5 along the song selectivity axis, thus displaying significant song selectivity. B, Each LMAN neuron was classified according to its d′ values for various comparisons of selectivity. BOS > tutor neurons had d′BOS-TUTOR ≥ 0.5; BOS = tutor neurons had −0.5 <d′BOS-TUTOR < 0.5, and tutor > BOS song neurons had d′BOS-TUTOR ≤ −0.5. To be counted as selective, a neuron had to haved′≥ 0.5 in at least one of the following four selectivity categories: BOS-adult conspecific, tutor-adult conspecific, BOS-BOS reverse, or tutor-tutor reverse.