KaisoTg mice do not show inflammation upon weaning (~3 wk.). However, Line E (VKE) mice develop inflammation faster than Line A (VKA) mice (12- vs. 24-wks of age; n = 5–9 mice/genotype/time point). Statistical significance was determined by two-way ANOVA, and error bars are SEM; * p<0.05; ****p <0.0001. (B) mRNA expression levels of the neutrophil attracting cytokine, MIP-2, are increased after, but not before, inflammation in VKA mice compared to NonTg mice, at 24- and 12-weeks of age, respectively. qPCR data are of pooled biological replicates from IECs isolated from the entire small intestine of 6 mice/genotype for each time point, run in experimental and technical triplicate. Statistical significance was determined by student’s t-test, and error bars are SEM; ***p <0.001.