Spinal intrathecal injections of the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory analgesics (NSAIAs) indomethacin and acetylsalicylic acid, which inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, cause dose-dependent hypoalgesia in the rat. Intrathecal injections of prostaglandin-E2 (PGE2) produce dose- dependent hyperalgesia. To determine whether this action of prostaglandins on the central nervous system is mediated through pain- generating or analgesia pathways, we studied the effect of intrathecal PGE2 on endogenous opioid-induced analgesia. Intrathecal PGE2 antagonized the analgesia produced by both brain stimulation and intracerebroventricular morphine. In contrast, the NSAIAs synergized with brain stimulation and morphine-induced analgesia. The alpha- adrenergic antagonist phentolamine and the catecholaminergic selective neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine, used to block tonic catecholamine activity in endogenous opioid-mediated analgesia systems, prevented the hyperalgesia induced by intrathecal PGE2. Phentolamine did not, however, block the hyperalgesia caused by intradermal PGE2. These findings suggest that prostaglandins can block endogenous opioid- mediated analgesia systems by inhibiting the bulbospinal noradrenergic component of this analgesia pathway.