Figure 4. Similarity of time and frequency parameters after subsequent testosterone treatments.
(A,B) Example spectral derivative spectrograms of stable song from two animals during the 1st (T1+) and 2nd (T2+) testosterone treatment illustrating a strong similarity in song structure. (C) Similarity analyses between stable song patterns from the 1st and 2nd testosterone treatment periods (T1xT2, red bars) demonstrated a high level of correlation of more than 80% for all analyzed song features. Correlation coefficients between songs from T1+ and T2+ were not significantly different from the CCs obtained when cross-correlating song patterns within the T1+ period (T1xT1, blue bars). Columns in C represent the mean ± SEM and open circles indicate individual data points (NS, paired t-test, n = 6 animals). Source data for similarity calculations are available in the Figure 4—source data 1.