Figure 5. tRFs are correlated with genes of specific repeat element content.
Heatmaps of the Z-scores of the mean density of each repeat element category with reference to the background density distribution of mean repeat content in genes correlated with nuclear (A) and MT (B) tRFs. The enrichments/depletions were calculated separately for the exons (top panel) and the introns (bottom panel) of the genes whose mRNAs are correlated with the tRFs. The repeat categories (rows) are ordered in the same way for all four panels. The shown dendrogram at the bottom of the figure results from the hierarchical clustering (metric: Manhattan distance) on the matrix of the Z-scores of all shown panels. Details about the overlap of repeat families with the genes whose mRNAs are correlated with tRFs can be found at Supplemental Table S8 for each of the cancer types.