Table 4.
Treatment | Early Blight (%) zw | Bacterial Spot (%) zw | Vigor yw | Yield of Extra and Large Fruit (kg/plant) xw | Yield of Total Fruit (kg/plant) xw |
Untreated control | 38.1 a | 6.9 a | 3.2 b | 0.67 b | 1.65 b |
Carvacrol @ 0.5 mM | 32.0 b | 2.4 b | 4.3 a | 1.23 a | 2.13 a |
Carvacrol @ 1.0 mM | 30.6 b | 3.5 b | 4.5 a | 1.27 a | 2.22 a |
z Disease severity of early blight (Alternaria tomatophila) and bacterial spot (X. perforans) was recorded as the percentage leaf area of the whole plant with symptoms of each disease. y Vigor of the plant was rated based on a 1-5 scale: 5= vigorously growing; 4 = slight yellowing and a little short; 3 = more yellowing and shorter; 2 and 1 = growing very poor than normal. x Tomato fruit were harvested from each plant and fruit size was graded as extra-large, large, and medium. w Means followed by the same letters in each column were not significantly different at P = 0.05.