Fig. 3.
nTDMS analysis of 20Z-pMMO in Triton X-100 micelles. a Deconvoluted MS1 of 20Z-pMMO protomer upon ejection from a Triton X-100 micelle. Charge state deconvolution of the major species yields a mass of 98,696.5 ± 1.1 Da. The theoretical mass is derived from the unmodified subunits of pMMO and accounts for the cleavage of a known signal peptide in PmoB. b Deconvoluted MS2 of 20Z-pMMO subunits ejected from the 16+ charge state of the protomer after activation by collisions with neutral gas. The spectrum shows detection of three species, labeled pink, purple, and blue and assigned to PmoA, PmoB, and PmoC, respectively. Adding the measured masses of the ejected subunits yields 98,633.6 Da, which is 62.4 Da smaller than the major protomer mass measured in the MS1. NL values reflect maximum signal intensity in the spectrum