Fig. 4.
Regulation of eQTLs to their associated genes mediated by chromatin interactions. a Distribution of SNPs in promoter proximal regions, distal elements, gene bodies, and intergenic regions. b The numbers of overlapped interactions between ChIA-PET loops and eQTL SNP-eTrait pairs. The distance distribution of the simulated loops is similar to that from the ChIA-PET loops. ****P < 0.0001 from T-test. Values represent numbers of loops and eQTLs. c eQTL gene, genes that are associated with eQTL and not linked to eQTL by ChIA-PET loops; Looped gene, genes that are associated with eQTL and also linked to eQTL by ChIA-PET loops; QTL interacting gene, genes that are not associated with eQTL, but linked to an eQTL by ChIA-PET loops. Random gene, genes which are not associated with eQTL and not linked to eQTL by ChIA-PET loops. d The expression Pearson correlation coefficient of looped genes and random genes, eQTL interacting genes or eQTL genes. eQTL:eQTL represents the pairs of eQTL genes. eQTL:Loop represents the pairs of eQTL genes and Loop genes. eQTL_interacting:Loop represents the pairs of eQTL interacting genes and Loop genes. Random:Loop, the pairs of random genes and Loop genes. Random:eQTL_interacting, the pairs of random genes and eQTL interacting genes, random genes, the same distance distribution as the eQTL interacting genes and Loop genes. ****P < 0.0001, **P < 0.05, ns—P > 0.1 from Wilcoxon test. Boxplots show the median, and third and first quartiles. The whiskers are defined as 0.25–1.5 IQR/0.75 + 1.5 IQR, IQR is interquartile range. e A SNP in a distal element that affects the expression of multiple genes. f Interactions between genes potentially affected by distal elements SNP and other genes identified as expression QTLs in (e), PPI interaction means promoter proximal interaction. g A SNP in a promoter proximal region that affects the expression of multiple genes. h Interactions between genes potentially affected by a SNP in a promoter and other genes identified as expression QTLs in (g). i A proposed model based on chromatin interactions for eQTL regulation of gene expression. Source Data underlying (b, c) are provided in a Source Data file