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. 2019 Jun 13;6:2054358119854113. doi: 10.1177/2054358119854113

Table 1.

CKD Stage, Prior CVD, and A1C Overall and by Age and Gender.

Population Overall Age, years Gender
<65 ≥65 65-74 ≥75 Female Male
Overall 260 903 139 568 121 335 66 472 54 863 121 129 139 774
No CKD, eGFR 174 920 (67.0) 110 014 (78.8) 64 906 (53.5) 42 307 (63.6) 22 599 (41.2) 82 540 (68.1) 92 380 (66.1)
 >90 mL/min/1.73 m2 81 383 (31.2) 70 238 (50.3) 11 145 (9.2) 10 172 (15.3) 973 (1.8) 40 052 (33.1) 41 331 (29.6)
 60-89 mL/min/1.73 m2 93 537 (35.9) 39 776 (28.5) 53 761 (44.3) 32 135 (48.3) 21 626 (39.4) 42 488 (35.1) 51 049 (36.5)
CKD stage
 1 15 519 (5.9) 13 205 (9.5) 2314 (1.9) 2100 (3.2) 214 (0.4) 6298 (5.2) 9221 (6.6)
 2 19 168 (7.3) 7615 (5.5) 11 553 (9.5) 6727 (10.1) 4826 (8.8) 6749 (5.6) 12 419 (8.9)
 3a 29 069 (11.1) 5140 (3.7) 23 929 (19.7) 9633 (14.5) 14 296 (26.1) 14 336 (11.8) 14 733 (10.5)
 3b 14 698 (5.6) 1871 (1.3) 12 827 (10.6) 3792 (5.7) 9035 (16.5) 7580 (6.3) 7118 (5.1)
 4/5 7529 (2.9) 1723 (1.2) 5806 (4.8) 1913 (2.9) 3893 (7.1) 3626 (3.0) 3903 (2.8)
Prior CVDa 58 595 (22.5) 17 541 (12.6) 41 054 (33.8) 18 448 (27.8) 22 606 (41.2) 22 201 (18.3) 36 394 (26.0)
 CAD 27 395 (10.5) 7916 (5.7) 19 479 (16.1) 9381 (14.1) 10 098 (18.4) 6948 (5.7) 20 447 (14.6)
 PAD 8772 (3.4) 2140 (1.5) 6632 (5.5) 2844 (4.3) 3788 (6.9) 3360 (2.8) 5412 (3.9)
 Stroke/TIA 33 733 (12.9) 9557 (6.8) 24 176 (19.9) 9747 (14.7) 14 429 (26.3) 15 420 (12.7) 18 313 (13.1)
 <7% 132 620 (50.8) 66 885 (47.9) 65 735 (54.2) 35 368 (53.2) 30 367 (55.4) 64 482 (53.2) 68 138 (48.7)
 7%-8% 56 533 (21.7) 29 226 (20.9) 27 307 (22.5) 15 804 (23.8) 11 503 (21.0) 24 017 (19.8) 32 516 (23.3)
 8.1%-9% 24 369 (9.3) 14 210 (10.2) 10 159 (8.4) 6093 (9.2) 4066 (7.4) 9883 (8.2) 14 486 (10.4)
 >9% 26 352 (10.1) 18 493 (13.3) 7859 (6.5) 5129 (7.7) 2730 (5.0) 10 827 (8.9) 15 525 (11.1)
 Missing 21 029 (8.1) 10 754 (7.7) 10 275 (8.5) 4078 (6.1) 6197 (11.3) 11 920 (9.8) 9109 (6.5)
eGFR 60-89 mL/min/1.73 m2 & CVD 26 506 (10.2) 6849 (4.9) 19 657 (16.2) 10 028 (15.1) 9629 (17.6) 9354 (7.7) 17 152 (12.3)
eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 & CVD 20 726 (7.9) 2583 (1.9) 18 143 (15.0) 5614 (8.4) 12 529 (22.8) 8897 (7.3) 11 829 (8.5)

Note. CKD = chronic kidney disease; CVD = cardiovascular disease; A1C = glycated hemoglobin; eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate; CAD = coronary artery disease; PAD = peripheral artery disease; TIA = transient ischemic attack.


Prior CVD is any CAD, PAD, or stroke/TIA. N (%) are reported.