Table 1.
Emory Vaccine Confidence Index (EVCI) (N = 8 items) and associated vaccine confidence domains.
Aspect of vaccine confidence domain addressed | EVCI question stem | EVCI question | Answer options |
Processes that lead to vaccine licensure and the recommended vaccination schedule | Please rate your level of trust in each of the following items | 1. Scientists involved in developing and testing new vaccines 2. Federal government agencies responsible for monitoring the safety of recommended childhood vaccines 3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the federal government agency that makes recommendations about who should get licensed vaccines 4. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the federal government agency that licenses vaccines |
No Trust Little Trust Moderate Trust Mostly Trust Complete Trust Don’t Know Don’t Use |
The immunizations recommended by the ACIP | Please indicate your level of confidence in each item below about childhood vaccines for children aged 0 to 6 years | 5. Vaccines recommended for young children are safe | I don’t know Not Confident at all Somewhat confident Confident Mostly Confident Very Confident |
Please indicate how strongly you agree with the following statements | 6. It is important for everyone to get the recommended vaccines for their child(ren) | Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree |
The provider(s) who administer(s) vaccines | Please indicate your level of confidence in each item below about childhood vaccines for children aged 0–6 years | 7. My doctor or nurse is a trustworthy source for vaccine information 8. My doctor or nurse has my child(ren)’s best interest in mind when making vaccine recommendations |
I don’t know Not Confident at all Somewhat confident Confident Mostly Confident Very Confident |