Distribution of BDNF binding on the plasma membranes of wild-type (trkB.FL, trkB.T1, trkB.T2) and mutant (trkBΔ435 and trkBΔ423) trkB receptors in clonal, stably transfected L-cells: confocal microscopy. Transfected and nontransfected control cells were treated on coverslips with biotinylated BDNF, fixed, treated with streptavidin–Cy3, and viewed by laser scanning confocal microscopy. A Z-series of 0.5 μm optical sections encompassing the entire thickness of the cells was acquired; images presented here are a projection of all of the optical sections. Laser strength was 3% for trkB.T1, trkBΔ435, and trkBΔ423 transfected cells, and 10% for trkB.T2 and trkB.FLtransfected cells and for nontransfected control cells.