Diagrammatic representation of fetal monkey brains (horizontal view) illustrating the dissections of day 60 and day 70 brains. The day 60 fetal brains were dissected into six regions from rostral to caudal: A1 contains the FC and the rostral part of the ST; A2 contains the caudal part of the ST, rostral part of the temporal lobe, and adjacent cortical regions;A3 contains the caudal part of the temporal lobe and adjacent cortical regions; A4 contains the preoptic area, the thalamus, and the hypothalamus; A5 contains the MB; and A6 contains the developing pons, cerebellum, and the BS. The day 70 fetal brains were dissected similar to the day 60 brains except that A1 was divided into area A1a andA1b, which contain primarily the prefrontal cortex and the striatal area, respectively. Also, A6 (the BS) was not analyzed in the day 70 fetal groups.