Fig. 2.
Ribonuclease protection assays of clone 2.A1, Effects of 5-HT on pleural-pedal ganglia. Experimental pleural-pedal ganglia were treated with 5 μm5-HT for 1.5 hr, whereas matched contralateral control ganglia were untreated. Total RNAs (2 μg) from experimental (E) or control (C) pleural-pedal ganglia were hybridized with riboprobes of clone 2 and HSC70 (heat shock cognate protein).A2, Effects of 5-HT on sensory neurons. Total RNAs were extracted from sensory neurons of pleural-pedal ganglia treated with 5 μm 5-HT for 1.5 hr (E) or without treatment (C). A3, Effects of behavioral training on sensory neurons. Total RNAs were extracted from sensory neurons of pleural-pedal ganglia from the stimulated side (E) or unstimulated side (C) of animals. The size and purity of the probes are shown in A4.B, The time course of clone 2 mRNA change. Pleural-pedal ganglia were treated with 5 μm 5-HT for 0.75 and 1.5 hr, and sensory clusters were isolated and processed for RPA as described in Materials and Methods. After 1.5 hr, 5-HT was removed by washing with BFSW and ganglia were kept in BFSW. At 1.5 and 22.5 hr after removing 5-HT (time 3 and 24 hr), sensory clusters were isolated and processed for RPA.