Effect of the α2δ complex on inactivation kinetics in transiently transfected tsA201 cells.A, The percentage of current remaining 150 msec into the depolarizing pulse is plotted at various membrane potentials in α1C (•), α1C/α2δ (▪), and α1C/δ (□) expressing cells. Astraight line provided a close fit to these data, and although of no theoretical significance, it was used to emphasize differences between singly transfected and cotransfected cells (n = 10). B, Representative records of currents obtained from three different transfected cells. The currents were recorded in response to 1 sec depolarizing pulses from −80 to +20 mV and ranged from −70 to −150 pA but are shown normalized to allow for comparison of kinetics. The inactivating phase of the currents was fit (superimposed lines) with a single exponential equation of the form: IBa= Aexp(−t/τ) + c, whereA is the initial amplitude, t is time, τ is the time constant for inactivation, and c is a constant. C, Time constants of α1Ccurrents are plotted at various membrane potentials. The same cells were used in B and C and represent typical values in each group (n = 3 cells). Mean ± SE values are given in Table 1.