Fig. 2.
Dissociation kinetics of appican-transfected C6 cells. Untransfected or transfected C6 cells were cultured in DMEM plus 10% FBS for 3–4 d until the cells became ∼80% confluent. The culture medium was then changed to DMEM plus nonserum supplements for another 2–3 d. Cells were dissociated at different time points using a nonenzymatic cell dissociation solution with gentle shaking and the number (A) (see equation in legend to Fig. 3) of cells remaining attached on the plates were determined (see Materials and Methods). The total number (B) of cells on the plates was obtained by direct trypsinization and counting. The detached cell number was calculated by subtracting A from B. Solid circles, KL-APP733-transfected C6 cells; open circles, KL-APP733S/A-transfected C6 cells;solid triangles, K-APP751-transfected C6 cells; open triangles, untransfected C6 cells.