Fig. 6.
Effect of TN-R on TN-R mRNA and protein expression by cultured OLs, as determined by RT-PCR (A) and Western blot analysis of OL-conditioned culture media (B). OLs were maintained for 2 d in vitro on PLL or PLL plus TN-R 160 substrates, and poly(A+) RNA isolated from these cells was analyzed by RT-PCR. As control, GAPDH mRNA expression was analyzed in parallel. The apparent molecular weights of the DNA marker (in bp) are shown at the left margin inA. TN-R released into the culture medium from OLs maintained on PLL (B, lane 1) or PLL plus TN-R 160 (B, lane 2) was immunoprecipitated by using polyclonal antibodies to TN-R as a carrier. Immunoprecipitates and TN-R 160 used for the PLL plus TN-R 160 substrate (B, lane 3) were subjected to SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis by using monoclonal antibody 596 recognizing both TN-R isoforms. For ECL detection the Tropix Western-Light Plus kit was used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The apparent molecular weights of the two major TN-R isoforms (in kDa) are shown at the left margin.