Fig. 7.
Quantitative data on the expression of TN-R mRNA and protein by cultured OLs, as shown in Figure 6. For the GAPDH- and TN-R-specific PCR products, band intensities (see Fig.6A) were analyzed with National Institutes of Health Image software and are expressed as mean ± SD of triplicate assays. For estimation of TN-R protein, OL-conditioned SATO medium was analyzed by sandwich ELISA, using monoclonal antibodies to TN-R as a linker and polyclonal antibodies to TN-R for detection. Values for the TN-R content under different culture conditions represent mean ± SD performed in triplicate and plotted onto a standard curve prepared from purified TN-R (in the range from 5 μg/ml to 3 pg/ml). In both experimental sets, values for GAPDH or TN-R from OLs maintained on PLL were set as 1.0.