Table 1.
Expression of differentiation stage-specific markers by OLs cultured on PLL and TN-R-containing substrates
Substrate | NCAM+ | A2B5+ | O4+ | O1+ | MBP+ |
PLL | 100 | 20 ± 8 | 84 ± 3 | 50 ± 7 | 25 ± 3a |
PLL + TN-R | 100 | 10 ± 5 | 100 | 96 ± 51-b | 90 ± 4 |
TN-R | 100 | 8 ± 4 | 100 | 91 ± 61-b | 86 ± 8 |
OLs and OL progenitors derived from cerebral glial cultures were plated onto PLL, PLL + TN-R, and TN-R and maintained for 2 d in vitro in modified SATO medium. After this culture period cells were stained by indirect immunofluroescence with the antibodies A2B5, O4, O1 or monoclonal antibodies to NCAM and MBP. The percentages of immunoreactive cells ± SD are shown. For each marker the number of positive cells was counted in equivalent microscopic fields of comparable cell densities and related to the total cell number of these fields (∼1500 for each marker).
Weak immunoreactivity defined predominantly to the cytoplasm.
Immunoreactivities of various intensities distributed in cell bodies and processes.