Photolysis of caged ATP does not alter either electrical excitation or light-induced calcium release inLimulus ventral photoreceptors. Photoreceptors were loaded with Fluo-3, caged ATP, and GDP-βS. The 488 nm and UV (351/364 nm) laser beams were focused onto the edge of the R-lobe, equivalent to the extreme left-hand edge of the photoreceptor in Figure 1A. A, Membrane potential (solid line) and Fluo-3 fluorescence (dots) recorded during illumination by a 488 nm laser. Laser stimulation began at the beginning of the fluorescence trace.B, Effect of superimposing a 30 msec UV flash; relative intensity 0.5. The break in the vertical scale represents 7.5 F/Fo units and is needed to show the time course of autofluorescence excited by the UV light.