Fig. 5.
A neuron that displayed inhibitory side bands and synchronized to the envelope of sinusoidally amplitude-modulated tones only in the excitatory region. A–D, Left column, Averaged responses (n = 6) to a 3 Hz binaural-envelope beat stimulus (contralateral modulation, 100 Hz; ipsilateral modulation, 103 Hz) at the carrier frequencies indicated.Horizontal dotted lines indicate the resting potential. Synchronized oscillations that followed the contralateral modulation frequency were present at excitatory frequencies (B, C) but little, if any, synchrony at inhibitory carrier frequencies (A, D). A–D, Right column, Frequency content of each response obtained by Fourier analysis. Amplitudes are peak to peak. A peak at the contralateral modulation frequency (100 Hz) was present only at excitatory frequencies. Same neuron as in Figure 3(right column).