Fig. 10.
Addition of UTP to Ringer’s solution bathing the apical membrane elicited a significant increase in fluid absorption.A, The obligatory control-to-control solution change (see Materials and Methods) during the first 35 min produced very little change in Jv, TEP, andRt. The initial, steady-stateJV was ∼1.0 μl · cm−2 · hr−1, indicating net absorption of fluid from the apical to basolateral chamber. The addition of 10 μm UTP (black bar) produced a transient increase inJV to ∼2.5 μl · cm−2 · hr−1, followed by a steady decrease to ∼1.5 μl · cm−2 · hr−1. The removal of UTP from the apical bathing solution brought JV levels back down to ∼1.1 μl · cm−2 · hr−1.B, The addition of UTP produced electrical effects that were similar to those of ATP.