Table 1.
BDNF in the olfactory bulb, cortex, and hippocampal formation
BDNF-ir fibers | BDNF-ir cells | BDNF mRNA | |
Mitral cell layer | − | 2/l | 0 |
Internal granule layer | − | 0 | 4/l |
Glomerular layer (periglomerular) | − | 1/l | 2/l |
External plexiform/tufted cells | − | 0 | 0 |
Granule cell layer of AOB | ± | 2/l–m | 0 |
Anterior olfactory nucleus | + | 3/m | 3–4/h |
Orbital cortex | − | 3/l | 2–3/m |
Insular cortex (granular + agranular) | − | 3/l–m | 3/m–h |
Frontal cortex | − | 3/m | 3/m |
Cingulate cortex | − | 3/l–m | 3–4/h |
Piriform cortex | − | 3/m | 3–4/h |
Parietal cortex | − | 3/l | 2–3/m |
Perirhinal cortex | − | 3/l–m | 3/m–h |
Retrosplenial cortex | − | 3/l | 3/m |
Occipital cortex | − | 2–3/l | 2–3/m |
Temporal cortex | − | 3/l | 2–3/m |
Entorhinal cortex | − | 3/m–h | 3/m–h |
Claustrum | ± | 3–4/h | 3–4/h |
Endopiriform nucleus (dorsal/ventral) | − | 2–3/m | 3/h |
Tenia tecta (rostral part) | − | 3/m | 4/h |
Tenia tecta (caudal part) | − | 0 | 4/l |
Indusium griseum | − | 2/l–m | 1/m |
CA1-stratum oriens | ++ | 1/l | 0 |
CA1-stratum pyramidale | − | 2/l–m | 3–4/m |
CA1-stratum radiatum | ++ | 0 | 0 |
CA1-stratum lacunosum moleculare | ++ | 0 | 0 |
CA2-stratum oriens | ++ | 1/m | 0 |
CA2-stratum pyramidale | − | 3/l–m | 4/h |
CA2-stratum lucidum | +++++ | 0 | 0 |
CA3-stratum oriens | ++ | 1/m | 0 |
CA3-stratum pyramidale | − | 4/m–h | 4/h |
CA3-stratum lucidum | +++++ | 0 | 0 |
Dentate gyrus-polymorph layer/hilus | +++++ | 1-160 | 1–2/h |
Dentate gyrus-granule cell layer | − | 4/l–m | 4/m |
Dentate gyrus-inner molecular layer | ++++ | 0–1/m | 0 |
Dentate gyrus-middle molecular layer | + | 0 | 0 |
Dentate gyrus-outer molecular layer | − | 0 | 0 |
Subiculum | ± | 2/m | 3–4/m |
Presubiculum | − | 0 | 2/l |
Parasubiculum | − | 0 | 2/l |
Fibers: −, none; +, very light staining; ++, light staining; +++, moderate staining; ++++, heavy staining; +++++, extremely heavy staining. Cells: 0, no cells observed; 1, occasional cells; 2, few scattered cells; 3, moderate number of cells; 4, densely packed cells;
F1-160: , could not be determined. l, Lightly stained; m, moderately stained; h, heavily stained.