Morphological studies of normal andTrJ sciatic nerves. Microscopic sections at equivalent magnifications from normal (A,D), heterozygous TrJ(B, E, F), and homozygous TrJ(C) sciatic nerves from 10-d-old (A–C, F) and adult (D, E) mice are shown. Note the marked increase in axon caliber and myelin thickness during nerve development between normal (A, D) andTrJ/+ mice (B,E). Also note the increasing severity of dysmyelination, even at 10 d of age between the +/+,TrJ/+, andTrJ/TrJnerves (A–C, respectively). Homozygous TrJ have only small amounts of myelin (C, arrows). AdultTrJ/+ animals have increased endoneurial connective tissue (E, brown material) and occasional tomaculae are observed (bold arrow). Myelinic debris (arrowhead) can be found in longitudinal sections from 10-d-old TrJ/+ animals (F). Scale bar, 20 μm.