Histological analysis of Wt andSod1 +/− mice after ischemia. A, Representative low-magnification photograph of cresyl violet staining at 24 hr after 1 hr of MCA occlusion. The caudate putamen level at 3 mm from the anterior tip (top) and the hippocampal level at 6 mm from the anterior tip (bottom) are represented. Infarction is represented in the left hemisphere as a pale, stained area. The ischemic hemisphere is much more enlarged inSod1 +/− than in Wt mice. Note that hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons are also involved in the infarction inSod1 +/− mice. Scale bar, 2 mm. B, Distribution of infarction and hemisphere enlargement in the brain.B1, Sequential changes of percentage of infarct area expressed as infarct area/ischemic hemisphere area × 100%.B2, Sequential changes of percentage of hemisphere enlargement expressed as (ischemic hemisphere area − nonischemic hemisphere area)/nonischemic hemisphere area × 100%.X-axis shows the distance of the sections from the anterior tip of the brain. Data show mean ± SEM (n = 5–8). C, Temporal profile of infarct volume and hemisphere enlargement in the whole brain of Wt andSod1 +/−cep mice. The percentages of total infarct volume (C1) and percentages of total hemisphere enlargement (C2) were calculated by the accumulation in consecutive brain sections and expressed in the same manner as in Figure 3B. Data show mean ± SEM (n = 4–8). Asterisks indicate a significant increase, compared with Wt mice (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01), and NS indicates no significance between Wt and Sod1 +/−cep(Fisher’s PLSD test).