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. 1997 May 1;17(9):3038–3051. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.17-09-03038.1997

Table 1.

List of anatomical abbreviations

AP Alar plate MES Intra-embryonic mesoderm
BP Basal plate MGE Medial ganglionic eminence
CB Cerebellar plate ML Mantle layer
CN Caudal neuropore MX Maxillary process
CP Cortical plate NE Neuroepithelial zone
Cx Cortex OC Optic chiasma
CxA Cortical telencephalic anlage OP Optic eminence
D Diencephalon OS Optic stalk
DRG Dorsal root ganglion OV Optic vesicle
DT Dorsal thalamus P1–P6 Prosomeres 1–6
E Embryonic ectoderm POA Preoptic area
EC Ectoplacental cone PP Primordial plexiform layer
EMT Eminentia thalami PRA Prorhombomere A
EN Primitive endoderm PS Primitive streak region
ET Epithalamus PT Pretectal area
FB Forebrain R1–R8 Rhombomeres 1–8
HB Hindbrain RH Rhombencephalon
HP Hippocampus S Somite
Hy Hypothalamus SC Spinal cord
I Isthmus ST Striatum
IC Inferior colliculus SuC Superior colliculus
IF Isthmic fosa T Telencephalon
IN Infundibulum TF Trophoblast
LGE Lateral ganglionic eminence TG Trigeminal ganglion
M Mesoderm V Ventricle
MA Mammillary area VT Ventral thalamus
MB Midbrain YSC Yolk sac cavity
MD Mandibular process ZL Zona limitans