ANM-alone cultures initially contained large numbers of OMP+ OSNs. A, At 1 DIV, OMP+ OSNs exhibited a rounded morphology and were often found in various sized multicellular aggregates. The aggregates containing OMP+ OSNs were thought to result from incomplete dissociation of the nasal mucosal tissues and incomplete removal by the sieving step, which involved passage through a 210 μm sieve. Scale bar = 30 μm. B, OMP+ OSNs were also found as isolated cells scattered across the glial feeder layer. Some of these OSNs exhibited one or more processes. Whereas growth cone-like structures can often be seen at the tip of some of these processes, we cannot confirm that ciliogenesis occurs in our cultures. OMP+ OSNs seemed to rest solely on the glial feeder layer, and not on any exposed glass surface.