Fig. 5.
Percent increase in mean LCGU rates in the spatial working memory group, as compared with the control group. The percent increase in mean LCGU rates of the spatial working memory group (DSA) is shown at each level, as compared with a control group (CONT = VD + SMC tasks). The results presented in this figure are from the “regional” analysis. Results from the dorsal, central, and ventral regions are shown at levels 1–3. At levels 4 and 5, ranges are shown for the overall increase in the dorsal, central, and ventral regions of the caudate nucleus. At levels 6 and 7, only one mean LCGU rate was obtained, because the caudate nucleus was not segmented into subregions at these levels. When shown, the putamen appears without numbers, because this structure was analyzed only at level 4 (the putamen is not shown at that level). Characters in boldand an asterisk indicate the statistically significant increase in mean LCGU rates (p < 0.05) in the DSA group relative to the CONT group. Note that “left” and “right” sides are flipped, because film autoradiograms are the “mirror” images of the actual sections. Also note that the scale differs from one level to another. NC, Caudate nucleus;P, putamen.