Preembedding ultrastructural immunocytochemistry showing BDNF immunoreactivity in axons (b, c) and an axon terminal (a) in lamina II of the lumbar spinal cord. a, An immunoreactive terminal (asterisk) shows heavy staining over a region packed with small agranular vesicles and over individual large dense-cored vesicles (open arrows). Arrows indicate dense-cored vesicles in an adjoining unstained terminal.b, A heavily stained unmyelinated axon (arrow) is visible among a group of similar, but unstained, axons. c, An immunostained preterminal axon and an immunostained finely myelinated axon (asterisk) are visible. The preterminal axon shows staining exclusively over large dense-cored vesicles (arrows). Scale bars, 0.25 μm.