Depression in the presence of CPPG. Trains of 30 stimuli at 5 or 10 Hz were applied at intervals of ≈45 sec. After four to five examples of depression in control conditions were obtained, 300 μm CPPG was perfused into the slice.A, I0 andIss for each train were normalized to the corresponding average values of the control group and plotted as a function of the number of trains. Note that, after 300 μmCPPG was applied (indicated by the solid bar),Iss was increased to 1.25-fold over control, whereas I0 was unaffected (n = 4 cells). B, For a single cell the average depression under control conditions (n= 4 trains; open symbols) is superimposed on the average depression in the presence of 300 μm CPPG (n = 4 trains; closed symbols). Note that I0 is unchanged, whereas the decrement in EPSC amplitude induced by depression (Id) is slightly reduced by 300 μm CPPG.