Beating score in heart grafts at 10 minutes, 3 and 24 hours of
reperfusion in Vehicle, Mitochondria and Sham groups. Beating score was
determined as; 0, no contraction; 1, contraction barely visible or palpable; 2,
obvious decrease in contraction strength, but still contracting in a coordinated
manner; rhythm disturbance; 3, strong, coordinated beat but noticeable decrease
in strength or rate; 4, strong contraction of both ventricles, regular rate. All
analysis was performed by a blinded observer. Results show significant
difference in BS between Mitochondria and Vehicle heart grafts at 24 hours of
reperfusion. All values are mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05 vs. Sham. **P
< 0.05 vs. Vehicle. n = 8 for Mitochondria, 9 for Vehicle, 4 for