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. 2019 May 28;116(24):11978–11987. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1819992116

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Deletion of CD33 does not impair engraftment, hematopoietic repopulation, and function in NSGS mice. (A) Schematic of experimental design. (B and C) BM-derived CD34+ cells engraftment and repopulation: (B) Peripheral blood (7 wk) and (C) whole BM (21 wk) posttransplant analyzed for cells of various lineages, as indicated. CD34+CD33Del cells show the same engraftment (CD45+) as control cells as well as comparable percentage of mature myeloid and lymphoid cells. BM CD34+CD33Del cells show comparable percentage of myeloid (progenitor CD123+, mature CD14+), and lymphoid (progenitor CD10+, mature CD19+) T cells (CD3+) and stem cells CD34+38. (D and E) CB-derived CD34+ cell engraftment and repopulation: (D) Peripheral blood (9 wk) and (E) BM (21 wk) posttransplant analyzed for cells of various lineages, as indicated. CD34+CD33Del cells show same engraftment (CD45+) as control cells, as well as comparable percentage of mature myeloid and lymphoid cells. BM CD34+CD33Del cells show comparable percentage of myeloid (progenitor CD123+, mature CD14+) and lymphoid (progenitor CD10+, mature CD19+), T cells (CD3+), and stem cells CD34+38. Data were analyzed using unpaired t test and no significant differences were found in all of the groups examined (P > 0.05). All data are represented as mean ± SEM (two independent experiments, two donors). (FI) In vitro and in vivo functional assays. (F) CD34+CD33Del show comparable development of myeloid lineage than CD34+CD33WT in NSGS mice. Frequencies of neutrophils, monocytes, cDC, pDC, mast cells, and basophils in the BM aspirates of NSGS mice injected with CB CD34+CD33WT or CD34+CD33Del cells. (Control n = 12, CD34+CD33Del n = 13). (G) In vitro E. coli bioparticles phagocytosis assay of in vitro CD33WT or CD33Del differentiated monocytes. CD33Del monocytes show similar phagocytosis capacity (two independent experiments, two donors). (H) Response to LPS-induced Toll-like receptor activation is similar in NSGS mice injected with CD34+CD33WT or CD34+CD33Del cells. Analysis of plasma cytokines level at 0 and 4h30 after intraperitoneal injection of 15 μg LPS (Control n = 12, CD34+CD33Del n = 13). (I) Peritoneal cavity analysis 2 h after intravenous injection of E. coli bioparticles (Control n = 3 CD34+CD33Del n = 5), untreated mice (♦). Mouse and syringe images designed by Freepik and Kiranshastry from Flaticon.