Table 2.
Quote 1 | "We talk to them about what they choose to do or not to do. It’s a bit of repetition of information. Whether they choose to do anything with it or not is up to them. But I think that my sense is that if we’re repeatedly giving that message, they realise the importance of it… So yeah, over time, hopefully they start to get the message that we actually think it could help them and improve their lung function" (Louis, paediatrician). |
Quote 2 | "We do ask them every time we meet them what kind of exercise are you doing the intensity and the duration and really talk about it needs to be at half an hour at least and be high intensity" (Claire, physio). |
Quote 3 | "I think sometimes you just have to accept what they are willing to do, so it might not be optimal in terms of health, but it is a start. And it is better than not being able to do anything. It gives us something to work with. So it might not have the health benefits that we know comes with being active, but if they enjoy it, if they are still moving and being active and interacting with peers, then yes they are getting benefit from it. And it is a starting point." (Beth, physio). |
Quote 4 | "I think a lot of it is very patient led rather than sort of saying this is a sort of set programme that we’re working towards" (Peter, physio). |
Quote 5 | "Yeah, it’s very much an individualised thing, to fit in with what that person does or wants to do and what they want to achieve. We would talk about their goals and work with them to optimise their nutrition to achieve those goals. It wouldn’t be a one size fits all, it would be a very individualised thing, taking into account things like current weight and fitness levels, what they want to achieve, whether they want to lose weight or whether it’s just a fitness thing, whether they, what their diet currently looks like, all those sorts of things, and then we would work together to support that patient" (Rebecca, physio). |
Quote 6 | "I think that we have to make individual exercise programmes for our patients depending on what their needs, their social circumstances are and we just don’t have the resources" (Peter, physio). |
Note: All names provided are pseudonyms.