Fig. 10.
a, Total SP density (neuritic and cored plus diffuse plaques), as assessed from a Bielschowsky-stained section in the EC, did not correlate with number of neurons in AD brains (n = 10) (Spearman rank correlation test;Z = −0.17, p = 0.86, NS).b, The density of neuritic and cored plaques in the EC of AD brains (n = 10), as assessed from a Bielschowsky-stained section, negatively correlated with the number of neurons (Spearman rank correlation test; Z = −2.44,p = 0.01). c, The density of diffuse plaques in the EC of AD brains (n = 10), as assessed from a Bielschowsky-stained section, did not correlate with the number of neurons (Spearman rank correlation test; Z = 1.72, p = 0.09, NS).