Dependence of the nasal bias in the initiation of pursuit on target direction and visual field location. Eachpoint plots the averaged eye acceleration during the first 80 msec (A, control monkeys) or 100 msec (B–E, strabismic monkeys) of pursuit, for target motion at 15 deg/sec across the visual field position indicated on the abscissa. As shown in the upper right, the arrows used as symbols indicate the direction of target motion; filled arrows indicate nasalward target motion, and open arrows indicate temporalward target motion. A, Data for viewing through the left eye of a normal monkey. B–E, Data from the two strabismic monkeys, plotted separately for viewing through the left and right eyes. B, Monkey SY, left eye viewing. C, Monkey SY, right eye viewing. D, Monkey PW, left eye viewing. E, Monkey PW, right eye viewing. Positive values of eye acceleration indicate eye acceleration in the direction of target motion. Negative values on the ordinate indicate positions in the visual field for which temporalward target motion initiated nasalward pursuit. Error bars show standard deviations as described in Materials and Methods.