Table 1.
Neuronal correlates of a directional pursuit asymmetry
Monkey | Animal number | Born | Recorded | Treatment | Acuity difference |
EX | F83430 | 12/15/83 | 8/7/85 | Eso 57 d surgical type 2 | 0.19 |
FS | F84005 | 1/5/84 | 8/20/85 | Eso 36 d surgical type 2 | 0.51 |
CA | F83330 | 9/22/83 | 7/13/91 | Eso 29 d surgical type 2 | 0.28 |
AP | M87152 | 6/19/87 | 6/24/92 | Eso/exo 60 d toxin | 0.05 |
PW | T82462 | 11/29/82 | 3/7/94 | Eso 11 d surgical type 1 | 0.00 |
SY | F83013 | 1/11/83 | 3/14/94 | Eso 10 d surgical type 1 | −0.07 |
Subjects. The treatment column indicates the method of surgery as follows. Surgical type 1: transection of left and right lateral rectus; resection of left medial rectus to limbus. Surgical type 2: transection of the left lateral rectus; resection of left medial rectus to limbus. Toxin: injection of botulinum into left lateral rectus; injection of antitoxin into nasal, superior orbit. The “Acuity difference” column gives the logarithm of the interocular difference in spatial resolution measured with grating targets. The age at test ranged from 16 weeks to 2 years.