Fig. 10.
Distinguishing details of DMIa-1 and DMIb-1 seen in sections. Camera lucida reconstructions from transverse sections of DMIa-1 (left) and DMIb-1 (right) in the thoracic ganglia. Each drawing was constructed from five to six serial sections (12 μm thick). The level of each drawing is indicated to theleft on a dorsal view of the ganglia (A, T1; B, T2; C, T3). Axonal arbors are shown in relation to the fiber tracts described by Tyrer and Gregory (1982): DIT, dorsal intermediate tract;DMT, dorsal median tract; LDT, lateral dorsal tract; MDT, median dorsal tract;VIT, ventral intermediate tract; VLT, ventral lateral tract. On sections, dorsal is toward thetop. Scale bar, 100 μm.