Fig. 6.
Immunolocalization of ICE in microglia after ischemia. a, High-power photomicrograph of ICE-like immunoreactivity localized to interneurons (arrowheads) in the CA1 region of the hippocampus of a nonischemic brain using AbM-20.I, Interneurons; so, stratum oriens;sr, stratum radiatum; alv, alveus. b, High-power photomicrograph of ICE-like immunoreactivity in the CA1 region of the hippocampus of a 4 d ischemic brain showing an increase in ICE-like immunoreactivity in microglia. alv, Alveus. c, Lack of immunostaining in the absence of primary antibody. d, A second antibody (Ab122) showing a similar pattern of immunostaining in nonischemic CA1 sector of hippocampus.I, interneurons. e, Reduction in staining with the Ab-122 in the presence of 100-fold excess blocking peptide in the nonischemic CA1 sector of hippocampus. f, Increased ICE-like immunoreactivity in the region of the hippocampal fissure (hf) 4 d after ischemia. High-magnification photomicrograph showing ICE-like immunoreactivity in microglia (m, inset). sr, Stratum radiatum;slm, stratum lacunosum-moleculare. g, High-magnification photomicrograph showing a composite of an ICE-positive microglial cell (m) in the process of attaching to an ICE-positive interneuron (I).