Fig. 4.
In the VTA, VMAT2-labeled SSVs are sometimes clustered near dendrodendritic contacts. A, Immunogold labeling for VMAT2 and immunoperoxidase labeling for TH are seen in two large dendrites (De). Some of the immunogold particles are localized to a cluster of small synaptic vesicles (V) and larger electron-lucent tubulovesicles (TV) near a point of contact (straight arrow) between the two dendrites (De). A similar cluster of vesicles and tubulovesicles (curved arrow) contains no detectable immunogold labeling in the observed plane of section, but contained several immunogold particles for VMAT2 in a serial section (not shown). A VMAT2-labeled dense-core vesicle (DCV) is also seen in the “presynaptic” dendrite. B, In a section processed for single labeling, immunogold particles for VMAT2 are localized to a cluster of small synaptic vesicles (V) in a dendrite (De) near its site of contact (arrow) with an unlabeled dendrite (UDe). The labeled vesicles are similar in size to the unlabeled synaptic vesicles (uV) seen in an adjacent unlabeled terminal (UT). Scale bars:A, B, 0.5 μm.