Fig. 8.
Proposed model of inside-out and outside-out types of resealed vesicles and working hypothesis of presynaptic InsP3 receptor channel in plasma membranes of nerve terminals. A, Inside-out type of resealed SPM vesicles. B, Outside-out type of resealed SPM vesicles. C, In this model, there is a major calcium channel, a voltage-operated calcium channel (VOC), and a relatively minor calcium channel, InsP3 receptor, in nerve terminals involved in the Ca2+ influx. When agonist (kyotorphin) binds to the presynaptic receptor, Gi1 and PLC are activated. Produced InsP3 activates the InsP3receptor located in plasma membranes of nerve terminals, followed by gating of the calcium channel. Organelles in nerve terminals may not play important roles in the InsP3-evoked Ca2+ mobilization.