Fig. 1.
Recording sites in the dorsal (solid dots) and ventral (open dots) portion of the MVN and central and peripheral stimulating zones (black areas) are plotted on the diagrams of 0.5 mm spaced brainstem slices. On theright, the typical vestibular field potentials recorded in the Dp and Vp of MVN in normal and Ca2+-free solution are shown. At the bottom, single-pulse response is superimposed to a 3 msec paired-pulse stimulation to show how N1 and N2 peak negative voltages were calculated with respect to the baseline (vertical lines). D, Descending vestibular nucleus; M, medial vestibular nucleus; Md, Dp of the medial vestibular nucleus; Mv, Vp of the medial vestibular nucleus; L, lateral vestibular nucleus;S, superior vestibular nucleus.